Is StarAgent missing something you need? Is there a feature update you think might improve your experience of using StarAgent? Let us know! Your needs are our biggest priority, and we want to make sure that StarAgent has all the essential capabilities that are on your wish list.
✅ Note: If you come across any customer service-related questions or security-related problem, please connect with our Support Team immediately. |
How Do I Submit A Feature Request?
Please note that all the feature requests from your end should be submitted through the 'Feedback' option in StarAgent.
When sending this, you should clearly describe your desired change in the software in an external document, along with a justification for why this change can be useful for your team, and attach this file in your message.
Evaluating A Feature Request
As a team that is striving hard to improve user experiences, we want you to request new features in our software whenever you need them. We believe this is a more accurate way of dealing with client pain points. However, we don’t want the new features to make the system more complex, causing you extra headaches. So, we will thoroughly analyse the requested features and check if:
- We already have these features, or if we have simpler alternatives to them.
- These features make the product harder to use.
- They have a non-trivial chance to bring bugs in existing features.
If the answer to all of those questions is a big “NO”, then we will get our developers to start working on them shortly.