Any bookings - be it a scheduled test shoot, casting, or other events - your team needs a place to organize and manage everything related to it. StarAgent uses the concept of creating ‘Jobs’ for this. For your team members to not get confused while working, you can create a new job for each booking by following the steps below.

Create A Job

  • Click on the ‘Jobs’ tab in the left sidebar.

  • Select ‘Add New’ job.

  • On the next page, fill out the following details:

✔️ Title - Name of the event.

✔️ Location - Type in the event’s location name, and address (if needed).

✔️ Date - Select the date of the event with the date picker.

✔️ Status - Set it as ‘Active’, if your agency is engaged in works or activities related to the event, or ‘Inactive’, if your agency is not currently involved in tasks related to the event.

✔️ Description - Write notes that are specific to the event.

Tip: When using the ?️ Date Picker in StarAgent, click on the Month/Year heading to switch to the month view immediately, and then click on the year heading to shift to the year view.

  • Once you have filled everything out, click ‘Submit’.

The job with a basic overview of the event has now been created!

Add Talents To The Job

  • To populate the created job with talent, click on ‘Manage Talents’.

  • You will be taken to a page with a list of all the talent profiles.

  • Navigate to the required talent profile, and hit 'Assign'.

 Read this guide to learn more about adding talents to a job.

  • To return to the job, click on the ❌ Cross mark in the top right of the page.

Tip: You can use the ?️ 'View' option on the created job to see its details, and the ?'Edit' option to make any further changes.

Delete A Job

Before you do it, stop and think! Deletion is permanent - once a job has been removed, its details cannot be recovered at any cost.

  • If you're sure about deleting, then click on the 'Delete' option, and then ‘OK’.