The video gallery tab of your talent dashboard is the dedicated space to store all your videos. Here you can upload unlimited short videos to your talent profiles and share them with your agency effortlessly with just a few clicks. Learn how to upload your video files below.


  • Click on the 'Video Gallery' tab on the dashboard to navigate to the 'Manage Videos' page.

  • Click on the ‘Choose File’ button and locate the video file you wish to upload.

  • Enter an appropriate video title on the provided space. 

  • Click on the ‘Insert’ tab to start uploading. After you click ‘Insert’, please stay on the page and wait until the file is completely uploaded.

Once uploaded, the video files will be available to view on the same page itself. You can also perform other basic functions such as playing back the video, adjusting the volume levels, maximising the video screen or even downloading it in any case. 

✍ NB: While choosing a file to upload, be sure that it is in MP4 format. If not, please convert your video file to MP4 before uploading.