The talent’s short profile is available from the StarAgent mobile app and features his/her name, contact information, address, and an image. To access the profile, guide the talent to follow the below steps:

  • From the app, click on the circular tab at the top right corner of the Home Page.

  • The page will refresh, and open the Profile Page, with a list of all the above-mentioned details.

  • He/She can tap on the ‘Edit’ icon at the top-right corner of the screen to make any updations in these details.

Change Password

  • From the Profile Page, scroll to the bottom and hit ‘Change’ next to ‘Change Password’.

  • Type in the old and new passwords and hit ‘Change Password’.

NB: The talent can then use the ‘Notification’ option to turn off any notifications through StarAgent mobile app whenever needed; however, all the essential details would be accessible anytime on the app screen.