If you forget the current password of your talent’s portal or you want to change it, you can easily do that following the below steps.

✍ NB: Once you reset or change your password, you'll need to log in to the StarAgent talent account with the new password on all of your devices.

How To Change Your Password?

Follow the below steps if you are already logged in to your account and want to change your password.

  • Click on the circular profile tab in the top right-hand corner and select ‘Change Password’.

  • Enter your current password and new password and hit ‘Submit’.

✍ NB: It may take up to a few minutes for you to receive the password reset messages. If you have problems receiving the emails this way, the next step is likely to get help from your agency administrator.

How To Reset Your Password?

You can reset your password anytime through the agency admin. Follow the below steps to know-how!

  • Connect with your agency admin to verify your email address linked to your StarAgent account. If the mail address is not the one you provided for your talent portal, you can request your agency admin to update with the ones you want to receive the password reset email.

  • Once connected with the agency admin, he/she will send you a talent login reset mail through StarAgent consisting of a generated password.

  • Go back to the Talent login page and enter your email ID and the given password to successfully log in to your account.

  • After logging in, you can follow the ‘Change Your Password’ procedure above to reset your password to your choice.  

Not got the reset email? Check all your email folders and spam filters in your inbox. If you are still facing any difficulties, feel free to drop us a message!

 ✨ Password Guidelines: To ensure better security, always choose passwords with at least six characters long, including alphabets and numerals. For security reasons, StarAgent won't allow you to reuse your previous password.