StarAgent provides several easy ways to connect with your talents. Apart from broadcasting job-related messages to a group of them, you can begin exchanging Direct Messages (DMs) to any talent just by going to the 'Talents Chat' option.
What To Expect
- The messages you send through StarAgent will be instantly available on the StarAgent mobile app of the talent.
- All the members of your StarAgent workspace will be able to view and access the messages you have sent to a talent.
- You don't need to scroll through the whole talent list to send messages to a particular talent. Instead, use the 'Search' option available on top of the page.
Search & Find A Talent
The ‘Search’ panel on top of the ‘Talents Chat’ page will help you to locate the talents you need to send the message using THREE different search parameters:

1. Search By Code
Every talent for whom a profile has been created in StarAgent will be assigned with a unique code ID.

You can enter in the unique ID in the ‘Search by Code’ space provided in the Search panel and click on the nearby search icon to find the required talent.
2. Search By Name
To search for talent by name, just type in the name of the talent in the ‘Search by Name’ field in the search panel and tap the nearby search icon.
✍️ NB: StarAgent attempts to find fuzzy searches, like fixing misspelt names. So, your search results may have not only the exact ones but also all a few related results. |
3. Search by Tags
Tags are keywords or phrases to label your talents based on his/her specific characteristics.

You can enter in the tags you have assigned for talents on their profiles in the ‘Search by Tags’ field and hit the search icon concerned.
✍️ NB: You can perform searches in unison by entering all three parameters to get more curated results. |